USGBC LEED Version 4 Commissioning
Fundamental Commissioning
- Designate an individual as the commissioning authority to lead, review and oversee the completion of the commissioning process activities. This individual will report directly to the owner.
- Conduct a pre-commissioning meeting at the beginning of the construction phase.
- Develop Pre-Functional Checklists for use by the installing contractors.
- Perform site visits during construction for installation and pre-functional inspections.
- Develop Functional test scripts for the systems to be commissioned.
- Verify the installation and performance of the following systems to be commissioned – Sample list of equipment includes;
- Chillers
- Cooling Towers
- Heat exchangers
- Pumps.
- Energy recovery units.
- CO2 based demand control outside air ventilation system.
- Toilet and general exhaust system.
- Air Handling Units – sample
- Terminal Units – sample
- Garage ventilation system
- Stairwell pressurization system
- Building Management System and Controls
- DX split systems
- VRV systems.
- Domestic Hot water systems
- Domestic water house pump
- Sump Pumps and sewage ejectors
- Reclaimed water system
- Normal Power service and distribution equipment
- Emergency Power service and Distribution Equipment
- Lighting control
- Electrical sub-metering
- Maintain an issues and benefits log documenting findings.
- Provide a complete a summary commissioning report.
- Compile a Current Facility Requirements and Operations and Maintenance Plan from documents provided by the owner, design team, and contractors.
Enhanced Systems Commissioning (Option 1)
- Review contractor submittals applicable to systems being commissioned for compliance with the owner’s project requirements and basis of design. This review must be concurrent with the review of the architect or engineer of record and submitted to the design team and the owner.
- Provide input and advice to other project team members for them to develop a systems manual that gives future operating staff the information needed to understand and optimally operate the commissioned systems.
- Verify systems manual updates and delivery.
- Verify operator and occupant training delivery and effectiveness.
- Verify seasonal testing.
- Review building operations 10 months after substantial completion and report.
- Develop an on-going commissioning plan.
Enhanced and Monitoring-Based Commissioning (Option 1, Path 2)
- Update monitoring-based procedures and points to be measured and evaluated to assess performance of energy, and water consuming systems.
- Update the procedures and measurement points in the commissioning plan as the project requires. Verify the following is addressed:
- roles and responsibilities;
- measurement requirements (meters, points, metering systems, data access);
- the points to be tracked, with frequency and duration for trend monitoring;
- the limits of acceptable values for tracked points and metered values (where appropriate, predictive algorithms may be used to compare ideal values with actual values);
- the elements used to evaluate performance, including conflict between systems, out-of-sequence operation of systems components, and energy and water usage profiles;
- an action plan for identifying and correcting operational errors and deficiencies;
- training to prevent errors;
- planning for repairs needed to maintain performance; and
- the frequency of analyses in the first year of occupancy (at least quarterly).
- Update the systems manual with any modifications or new settings, and give the reason for any modifications from the original design.
Enhanced Envelope Commissioning (Option 2)
- Fulfill the requirements in EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification as they apply to the building’s thermal envelope as follows:
- Verify Systems manuals update and delivery.
- Review Contractor submittals and shop drawings.
- During the Construction Phase perform constructability reviews with subcontractors selected for each building envelope enclosure System.
- Observation of mock-up testing to confirm compliance with the contract documents.
- Periodic observation of the installation of building envelope related construction materials.
- Maintain a log to track any items noted during review and observation that require corrective action.
- Preparation of Field Reports for each site visit documenting observations made at site and any corrective measures that may be required to bring the work in to compliance with the OPR and contract documents.
- Verify Operator and occupant training and delivery and effectiveness
- Verify Seasonal Testing.
- Develop an ongoing commissioning Plan
- Review the sight exposed portions of the building envelope 10 months after substantial completion and interview the owners staff about envelope warranty and performance issues. Provide a Written report of the observations and interviews.