USGBC LEED Version 4 Enhanced Commissioning – Envelope
- Fulfill the requirements in EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification as they apply to the building’s thermal envelope as follows:
- Fenestration design reviews.
- Development and specifications related to envelope testing, both off-site mockup and as constructed conditions
- Conduct a pre-commissioning meeting at the beginning of the construction phase
- Verify Systems manuals update and delivery.
- Review Contractor submittals and shop drawings.
- During the Construction Phase perform constructability reviews with subcontractors selected for each building envelope enclosure System.
- Observation of mock-up testing to confirm compliance with the contract documents.
- Periodic observation of the installation of building envelope related construction materials.
- Maintain a log to track any items noted during review and observation that require corrective action.
- Preparation of Field Reports for each site visit documenting observations made at site and any corrective measures that may be required to bring the work in to compliance with the OPR and contract documents.
- Verify Operator and occupant training and delivery and effectiveness
- Verify Seasonal Testing.
- Develop an ongoing commissioning Plan
- Review the sight exposed portions of the building envelope 10 months after substantial completion and interview the owners staff about envelope warranty and performance issues. Provide a Written report of the observations and interviews.